
Boundary Fences - Who is responsible?

Replacement, disputes and other possible scenarios

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What is considered “Reasonable Wear & Tear”

Wear and tear is a topic that has different perceptions and it can often be a grey area when dealing with different issues.

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Who is responsible for sewer or drain blockages

The following information provides guidelines for plumbing contractors and property owners involved in the removal of a blockage in a TasWater or private system.

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Calculating rent due

People are often confused about the calculation of rent payments; this is because it is not as straightforward as you might think. Let us help explain, or better still use our handy calculator below!


Tax Time Tips

It is important that you take the time to carefully review your accounts and seek independent professional advice to assist you with preparing for tax time to avoid mistakes and costly fines. Here is an overview of what can be claimed.

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Why choose an Independent Property Manager?

With many business transactions, one of the most common mistakes consumers make is to take the easy option when it comes to referrals. We make the mistake of thinking everyone will give us good advice.

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Dealing with staff changes

One of the common complaints from property investors is staff change/turnover of staff and not being able to deal with the same person for longer than a year.

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Do you need to service gas appliances as a property owner?

As a property owner you have a duty of care to provide a safe environment so we always recommend that you service gas appliances regularly.

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How to choose the best Property Manager that will cost you the least.

It is understandable that investors are concerned with the outgoings, after all, the return on investment must be sustainable long term, and it needs to be an asset, not a liability.