Bianca Boyce

Administration & Accounts

Bianca is a highly skilled team member with a passion for administration and a keen eye for detail. With a love for organising information and a knack for data entry, Bianca excels in creating and managing audits with precision and accuracy. Her exceptional attention to detail ensures that all tasks are completed to the highest standard, leaving no stone unturned.

Driven by a proactive mindset, Bianca is constantly seeking ways to enhance systems and processes to optimise efficiency and streamline operations. Whether it's a simple change in processes or refining existing workflows, she is dedicated to making the business run smoothly and seamlessly.

Bianca's commitment to continuous improvement and her proactive approach to problem-solving make her a valuable asset to any team. With her strong organisational skills and meticulous work ethic, she consistently delivers results that exceed expectations.

Qualification: Licensed Property Representative

Joined @home in February 2018